

3 | ʻUkulele Project No. 2

P-i-m-a 2X and Betty Lou of '52

Peter Kun Frary


Today's tutorial features the P-i-m-a 2X arpeggio pattern and the 1950s inspired Betty Lou of '52.

Chevy 'Rod | The 1950s were a golden age for hotrods, diners and rock 'n roll.


study icon Study Tips

Betty Lou of '52 is based on a repeating chord progression of F, Dmin, Gmin and C7. The nostalgic melody floats above the progression in a mix of eighth notes and longer durations. Betty Lou of '52 features a new rhythm, arpeggio pattern and first string note.

8th note iconMelody

The melody of Betty Lou of '52 may be mastered without much toil, especially if you practice with the audio track. However, before you hit the practice room, get familiar with the new techniques and features of Betty Lou.

vamp icon Vamp

Betty Lou of '52 begins with a two-measure vamp or introduction: count to four twice before beginning the melody.

Betty Lou52 vamp ©PK FRARY

New Note

This piece incorporates one new note: D on the fifth fret of the first string.

Betty Lou of '52 | Third line (measure 9) with high D.

D on 5th fret

D was introduced in a diagram in the 'Ukulele Blues lesson, but wasn't used in any songs up to this point. After playing C on the third fret with the third finger, stretch out the pinkie and D should fall under your finger.

Notes on the First String


dotted note icon Dotted Quarter Note

The third line of Betty Lou also has a new rhythm: a dotted quarter note followed by an eighth note. Here's how this combination sounds (audio repeats four times):

dotted quarter

In the example above, the dotted quarter note receives 1.5 beats: sustains from beat 1 through the first half of beat 2. Gauge placement of the high D eighth note by saying “and” between beat numbers. The eighth note falls on the “and” or second half of beat 2.

Practice counting and clapping the rhythm until smooth. Use the audio track to help internalize the rhythm.

fermata icon Fermata

Finally, the last note of Betty Lou of '52 has a fermata, a symbol often referred to as a bird's eye due to its resemblance to an avian orb. A fermata indicates the note should be sustained beyond its normal duration. There isn't an exact value, you simply hold the note or chord until it dies away or feels right.

Fermata | Indicates the sustain of a note beyond its normal duration.


Watch the Video

Before practicing, watch the video so you can absorb the feel of the tune.

Betty Lou of '52 Melody Demonstration | Professor Peter

practicingPlay the Melody Now!

Practice the melody of Betty Lou of '52 until smooth. Read the music—don't just copy the finger movements in the video. Play along with the audio track or video to help improve your rhythm.


Once the melody of Betty Lou flows smoothly, work on the chords.

chord diagram icon Chords

arpeggio icon P-i-m-a 2X Arpeggio

On the audio track, I play the chords of Betty Lou with the P-i-m-a 2X arpeggio. The thumb plucks the forth string while the i-m-a fingers play the third, second and first strings respectively:

p-i-m-a (2X)

The right hand finger sequence of p-i-m-a is played twice in each measure of 4/4 meter, resulting in a continuous flow of eighth notes. Practice P-i-m-a 2X on the open strings until silky smooth and burned into your reflexes.

Here's what P-i-m-a 2X looks and sounds like when applied to the four chords in Betty Lou of '52:

p-i-m-a (2X)

P-i-m-a 2X works exceedingly well as accompaniment for many ballads in 4/4 meter. For example, for a more mellow rendering of the chords in Aura Lee - Love Me Tender, you may use P-i-m-a 2X instead of the Flat-Four Strum.

P-i-m-a 2X Demonstration | Professor Peter


If P-i-m-a 2X isn't right for you, try a Down 2X or Flat-Four Strum. If you're working with another 'ukulele player, both strums work well layered with the P-i-m-a 2X arpeggio.


Betty Lou of '52 is written in ballad style and sounds best about 76-80 BPM, the slow andante range.

biker icon

Many years ago, Betty Lou was my neighbor and I named this piece after her.

Betty Lou of '52 | Peter Kun Frary, ʻukulele


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Download | Betty Lou of '52 PDF

Denny's | Peter Kun Frary



fermata, P-i-m-a 2X arpeggio pattern

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