

1 | Music Reading

Staff Notation

Peter Kun Frary


Learning to read music is not difficult. If you know the alphabet from A to G, understand basic fractions, and are able to count to four, you are ready!

Octopus Tree | Duet with the sky


fequency icon Pitch

The main musical properties symbolized by music notation are pitch and rhythm. In this chapter we focus on pitch. We'll take up rhythm later.

Staff Notation and Musical Pitch | Professor Peter

The highness or lowness of a musical tone is known as pitch. Sing the beginning of The Star-Spangled Banner. The lowest pitch is sung on “say” while the highest pitch is on “see.”

Star-Spangled Banner

An awareness and control of pitch is of vital importance to musicians. As you gain musical experience, your sense of pitch will become increasingly refined.

8th note iconNotes

Musical pitches are written with symbols known as notes. Notes are oval shaped symbols to which a stem, flags or beams can be added:

notes parts

Staff icon Staff

The staff is a set of five horizontal lines and four spaces:


Musical Attribute list icon How Pitch is Indicated

Notes are placed on the staff to indicate pitch. The staff is like a ladder: the higher the placement of a note, the higher the resulting pitch.

staff pitch direction

However, unlike a ladder, both lines and the spaces between lines serve as steps.

What's the difference between the staff and tablature? The staff indicates pitch and rhythm and is universal to all musical instruments. Tablature is specific to the 'ukulele and simply indicates where to place your fingers on the fretboard.

treble clef ©FRARY Treble or G Clef

A symbol called a treble or G clef is placed at the beginning of the staff. The G clef indicates the position of the note G: the scroll of the clef wraps around the second line from the bottom, fixing that line as G.


Other clefs exist, but are not used for 'ukulele.

note names icon Note Names

In the United States, the first seven letters of the alphabet—A B C D E F G—are used to name notes (other countries use solfège: do, re, mi, etc.) These seven letters are repeated across the entire pitch range: A B C D E F G A B C, etc.

Children's Mnemonic Device

Chant "Every Good Boy Does Fine" to remember the names of the lines and FACE to spell out the spaces.


E G B D F (lines)

F A C E (spaces)

When moving up the staff—higher in pitch—count through the alphabet. When moving down the staff—lower in pitch—count backwards through the alphabet:



The interval (distance) between two notes with the same name but eight notes apart is called an octave. Sing the first two notes of Somewhere Over the Rainbow. The interval between the first two notes, C to C (some- to where) is an octave.

Somewhere Over the Rainbow.

As a child you may have sang the major scale as solfège syllables: do, re, mi, fa, so, la, ti, do. The interval from do to do is an octave.


The octave is the point in which the scale names start over.

On the next page, we explore rhythm.

study icon Study Questions

1. Identify the letter names of the notes on the staff: [answers below]

ID notes ©FRARY

Counterpoint | Pigeons pretending to be notes on a staff.


study icon Answers

1. A, F, G, F, D, G, C, D

Download this worksheet for more practice recognizing notes on the staff:

pdf icon

Download | Note Practice PDF


pitch, note, staff, clef, G clef, treble clef, octave

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