

4 | ʻUkulele Project No. 3

Shalom Chaverim (שלום חברים)

Peter Kun Frary


Shalom Chaverim (שלום חברים) is a traditional Hebrew song. It's spirited and fast paced and, although in the minor mode, is celebratory in mood and message.

Until We Meet Again | Peter Kun Frary

Until We Meet Again

music Shalom Musings

The Hebrew word, Shalom (שָׁלוֹם), means hello, goodbye, and peace in popular use. It also carries deeper meanings of harmony, completeness, prosperity, and tranquility. Chaverim (חברים) means friends. Thus, Shalom Chaverim proclaims "peace be with you my friends."

The lyrics for Shalom Chaverim are brief but repeat over and over:

Shalom chaverim, shalom chaverim,
Shalom, shalom
L’hit-rah-oat, L’hit-rah-oat
Shalom, shalom

And the English translation:

Shalom my friends, shalom my friends
Till we meet again, till we meet again
Shalom, shalom

study Study Tips

Shalom Chaverim uses a high D, played on the fifth fret of the first string. You played high D in Betty Lou of '52, so this note should be familiar. With practice, you will be able to reach D from the first position simply by extending or stretching your little finger to the note. No hop or shift should be necessary.

D on 1st string ©FRARY

chord diagram icon Chords

For chords, I use Simple Strum 4/4: a single down strum on beat one.

Simple Strum 4/4

EX 1

Shalom Chaverim only has only one chord (Dm), so feel free to embellish the chords.


Shalom Chaverim has a four-measure introduction or vamp on Dmin. Count to four four times and play the pickup note on the fourth beat of the fourth measure.

First and Second Endings

Like the prior piece, Pupu Hinuhinu, Shalom Chaverim uses first and second endings for repeated sections. After the second ending, play the coda (last line). Coda means tail or ending.

listening Listen to the Track

Before practicing, study the audio track and absorb the feel of the piece.

Shalom Chaverim | Peter Kun Frary, ʻukulele

shalom chaverim1

Shalom Chaverim | This student performance is played on guitars, but is in the same key as the 'ukulele version. Play along if you wish.

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