

1 | Beginning to Play Guitar

Guide to Music and Performance

Peter Kun Frary


“Nothing is more beautiful than a guitar” ― Frédéric Chopin

After the concert



1. Contents

2. Preface

3. About the Author

Basic Guitar Technique

1. Preparing to Play

2. Sitting and Holding the Guitar

3. Right-Hand Technique

4. Left-Hand Technique

Music Reading

blues dude ©PK Frary

1. Staff Notation

2. Beat and Meter

3. Rhythm and Counting

4. Practicing Rhythm

The Treble Strings

1. Walkin' and the First String

2. Frettin' and the Down 2X Strum

3. Lullaby and the Second String

4. Cuckoo and the P-i-m-a-m-i Arpeggio

5. Love Me Tender and the Third String

6. Andante Opus 31 No. 4

7. Arirang (아리랑) and the Flat-Three Strum

Accidental Symbols

1. Sharps and Flats

2. The Accidental Blues

3. Key Signatures and He is Lord

The Bass Strings

1. The First and Only and the Fourth String

2. Amazing Grace

3. Jesu, Joy of Man's Desiring

4. Pie in the Sky and the Fifth String

5. Kojo no Tsuki (荒城の月)

6. Rose and the Sixth String

7. Study No. 9 "Desert Song"

Playing Solos

1. Cano's Etude in A Minor

2. Carcassi's Prelude in E Minor

3. Prelude No. 1 American Study

4. Carcassi's Andantino in C Major

5. Carulli's Andantino Opus 241 No. 5

6. Greensleeves

7. Sor's Etude Op. 31 No. 1

8. Betty Lou of '52

Playing Ensembles


1. Now is The Month of Maying

2. Brazilian Lullaby

3. Ode to Joy

4. Yellow Bird

5. Plaisir d'amour (Can't Help Falling in Love)

6. Shalom Chaverim (שלום חברים)

7. Sinner Man

8. Minuet in G Major

Reference Materials


1. Epilogue

2. Fingerboard Chart

3. Basic Chords

4. Changing Classical Guitar Strings

5. Glossary of Musical Terms

“Without music, life would be a mistake.” ― Friedrich Nietzsche

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©Copyright 2024 by Peter Kun Frary | All Rights Reserved

Music Reading
Treble Strings
Bass Strings