Weekly Lessons icon feb 10 | Week 5

overview icon2 Overview

Our weekly itinerary is awash with adventure: medieval monks, Japanese imperial court music, troubadours, and amorous Ars Nova airs. Near the end of the week, demonstrate mastery of medieval music culture with Quiz, Middle Ages.

tweet iconpope icon Gregorian Chant

We commence with sacred music of the medieval Catholic Church:

click icon3. Gregorian Chant 

Japanese flag icon Ancient Japan bonsai icon


Gagaku, the royal court music of Japan, was performed at the same time French Troubadours were active.

click icon4. Gagaku: Court Music of Japan (雅楽)

trobadour iconTroubadours

Troubadours and trouvères were medieval French poets composing and performing in Provençal during the 11th to 13th centuries.

click icon5. France: Troubadours and Trouvères

French Flag Icon Ars nova

Ars nova refers to a musical style which flourished in France and the Burgundian Low Countries during the late Middle Ages.

click iconArs Nova

quiz icon

Tests & Quizzes icon Quiz, Middle Ages

Visit Lamakū's Quizzes tool and take a quiz over the Music In The Post-Classical World unit (Middle Ages):

Quiz, Middle Ages: 2/14 to 2/16

alert icon No Quiz Makeups

Quizzes are used to check participation and attendance. You have three days to get it done. If you miss a quiz, game over.

Vale, Peter

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