Weekly Lessons icon feb 17 | Week 6

The lesson this week is teaming with academic vigor: Renaissance stylings and a succulent quiz!

vitruvian_man_icon Age of Discovery

overview icon2 Overview

The Renaissance (1450-1600) marks the beginning of the modern period in world history and unprecedented development in science, politics, warfare, technology and fine arts. Our goals are to:

  • Explore the times and lives of Renaissance musicians.
  • Understand characteristics of Renaissance style.
  • Identify seminal works of the era.

By week's end you'll be conversant with sacred polyphony and vocal and instrumental music of the Elizabethan era. Test your new knowledge with Quiz, Renaissance, near the end of the week.

Begin the week with an overview of cultural influences and style:

click icon1. Rebirth and Exploration

click icon2. Renaissance Style

church icon Sacred Polyphony

With historical context and style under your belt, kick off your Renaissance tour with sacred polyphony from Giovanni Palestrina:

click icon3. Sacred Polyphony

The Concert

united kingdom icon Elizabethan England

While defeating the Spanish Armada and colonizing North America, England also managed to create amazing music.

click icon4. English Secular Vocal Music

lute iconLute Music

The lute was the most important household instrument of the Renaissance, occupying a role similar to today's piano or guitar.

click icon5. English Solo Lute & Ensemble Music

Ensemble music was all the rage as home entertainment in Renaissance Europe, both at royal and middle class households.

quiz icon

Tests & Quizzes icon Quiz, Renaissance

Take a quiz covering everything in the Music In The Age of Discovery unit up to and including English Lute and Ensemble Music.

Tests & Quizzes Quiz, Renaissance: 2/21 to 2/23

alert icon No Quiz Makeups

If you miss a quiz, it fades into the mists. Pro tip: enter quiz and test dates in your computer calendar and enable notifications.

listening icon Music Listening

Don’t slack on listening assignments: music identification, i.e., composer, era, title, style traits, play a critical role in tests and quizzes.

Cheers, Peter

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