Weekly Lessons icon sep 02 | Week 2

Before starting the weekly lesson, take the Participation Verification quiz if you haven't done so yet.

alert icon Participation Verification closes 9/03 at 11:55 PM

elements icon Mo' Elements

overview icon2 Overview

Our survey of musical instruments continues. By the end of this week you'll be conversant with the sounds and techniques of keyboard, electronic, wind and percussion instruments. Your first forum and quiz are this week. Click the links below to get started:

click icon4. Keyboards & Electronic

click icon5. Wind Instruments

click icon6. Percussion

Conch Shell

metronome icon Duration

We break duration down to four components:

click icon7. Beat, Meter and Rhythm

lyre icon Ancient Music

We sample music of the ancient world through notation systems predating Western staff notation by thousands of years:

click icon8. Ancient and Non-Western Notation

big forum icon

forum icon Forum 1

This assignment is a student lead discussion of music topics. Read the forum page linked below for topic choices and instructions:

click iconForum Instructions and Topic Choices

forum icon Forum 1 | 9/02 12:00 AM to 9/09 11:55 PM

category icon SLO Accomplishment

By participating in this forum, you are fulfilling a student learning outcome (SLO) of this course: analyze musical styles and their roles within the context of history and society.

quiz icon

Tests & Quizzes icon Quiz, Elements

Your first quiz debuts this week: 10 questions drawn from the Elements unit up to and including the Ancient and Non-Western Music Notation chapter. To begin, click the Tests & Quizzes Tests and Quizzes icon on the Laulima toolbar (left side of page).

Laulima Toolbar

Once the tool opens, you'll see an assessment list. Most items show "closed" status but Quiz, Elements, will indicate "Ready to Begin" if within the 3-day quiz window. Click "Begin," agree to the honor pledge and answer the questions. Quizzes are not timed.

Tests & Quizzes Quiz, Elements | 9/06 12:00 AM to 9/08 11:55 PM

2x icon A Second Chance

If you miss questions, study the textbook, and retake the quiz to improve your grade. The highest earned grade is retained. Quizzes may be retaken once within the due date window.

review icon Review Option

The Tests and Quizzes tool allows review of quiz questions after submission. Review show incorrect questions, without answer key or scores. Showing the answer for incorrect responses defeats the learning process of figuring out the answer.

shuffle icon Answer Choice Shuffle

To enhance security, answer choices are shuffled. If you retake a quiz, answer choices are the same, but presented in a different order.

alert icon No Quiz Makeups

Late quizzes are not accepted. Why? Quizzes are used to check attendance and participation. If you disappear for a week and miss a quiz, it fades into the mists. Don't ask for an exception—I won't respond since you know the answer. Pro tip: enter quiz and test dates in your computer calendar and enable notifications.

 grade icon Grades

Quizzes are worth a possible 25 points. Your grade will be posted in the Laulima GradeBook (Laulima toolbar) after submission.

Aloha, Peter

Performing Arts Mural | Eureka, California | ©Peter Kun Frary

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