Weekly Lessons icon aug 26 | Week 1

Welcome to MUS 107, Music in World Cultures, taught from the cyber campus of balmy Leeward Community College.

Louis Armstrong | Eureka, California | Peter Kun Frary

alert icon Get Verified Now!

Click Tests & Quizzes icon Tests and Quizzes on the Laulima toolbar and confirm your presence with the Participation Verification Quiz. You'll earn 10 points of extra credit and avoid disenrollment by UH.

Tests & Quizzes icon Participation Verification Quiz: 8/26 to 9/03

Before starting your first assignments, take a few minutes for a tour of course organization:

syllabus icon Syllabus

Click the binocular icon on the Laulima toolbar to access the syllabus for course specifications, policies and requirements.

Weekly Lessons Weekly Lessons

MUS 107 is based on a 7-day assignment schedule and organized into 16 Weekly Lessons. Weekly Lessons—containing links to reading, due dates and instructions—are on the Laulima toolbar:

Laulima Page | Weekly Lessons icons on toolbar | Peter Kun Frary

study icon Study Routine

Read the new Weekly Lesson on Mondays and spread assignments across the entire week. Don't try to cram all the assigned reading and listening into a couple days or you'll be overwhelmed.

Now dive into the weekly lesson and begin learning about music!

start here icon Start Here!

overview icon2 Overview

Your objectives in this Weekly Lesson are to:

  • Understand why we study music
  • Listen better
  • Know the attributes of sounds
  • Understand vocal ranges
  • Identify string instruments and their techniques

Realizing these objectives will involve studying five chapters of the textbook (see below).

information icon Why are we here?

Learn what this course is about and why we study music. Click the links below to get started:

click icon2. Preface

listening icon Music Listening

Learn to listen to music with purpose and discernment:

click icon3. Listening Skills

elements icon Elements

Musical Elements are the components of music: sound properties, melody, rhythm, harmony, texture, instruments, voices, and notation.

guitar icon Instruments and Voice

The next three chapters explore characteristics of sound, the human voice, instrument families and musical techniques.

click icon1. Musical Sounds

click icon2. Voice

click icon3. String Instruments

coda iconCoda

Your first forum and quiz are scheduled next week.

Peter Kun Frary

Professor of Music, Leeward CC

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