Forum 1
A forum is a venue where ideas and views on a topic are exchanged and discussed. Our assignment uses the Lamakū Discussions tool, a web based forum interface.
How Does it Work?
Choose a topic and, after background studies, write a post on the topic. Classmates read your message and respond with comments. You, in turn, comment on the posts of your classmates. Our forum is essentially a slo-mo discussion.
Forum 1: 1/20 to 1/27
Closing & Opening Times
Forums open at 12:00 AM and close at 11:59 PM on scheduled days.
Topic Choices
Read the Voice and String Instruments chapters. Then choose one (1) topic from the three choices below:
Topic Choice 1
Overtone Singing | Listen to Batzorig Vaanchig, Bai Terek Ensemble, The Hu and Anna-Maria Hefele perform overtone singing in the Human Voice chapter. Share your thoughts on these performances. Be specific about the how and why of observations and opinions. Listen carefully and put your imagination and new technical knowledge to use!
Topic Choice 2
Chinese Erhu | Audition the Great Race by The Hsu-nami and Oogway Ascends (Kung Fu Panda) in String Instruments. Share your thoughts on these pieces and the solo instrument, the erhu. Be specific about the how and why of observations and opinions. Listen carefully and put your imagination and technical knowledge to use!
Topic Choice 3
Classical Guitar | Listen to El Ultimo Tremolo, played by Kyuhee Park, in the String Instruments chapter (scroll down) and share your thoughts on her performance. State the how and why of your observations and opinions. Listen carefully and put your imagination and new technical knowledge to use!
Post & Reply Required
Partial credit is not given for incomplete assignments. Credit is earned only if students participate in all aspects of the assignment. To receive credit for this forum (possible 50 points), you must:
- Write a topic post (possible 30 pts).
- Read posts of classmates (participation is tracked).
- Write at least one reply to a classmate's post (possible 20 pts).
How to Post
Log into Lamakū and select MUS 107. The Discussions tool is found on the Lamakū toolbar:
- Click the Discussions tool link on the Lamakū toolbar.
- Click Forum 1 General Discussion (under Forum 1 Instructions).
- Click Start a New Thread to write about your topic.
- Click any existing thread to reply to classmate posts.
Click "Post"
Be sure to click "Post" (bottom left of page) after writing your message or your post will disappear into the mists.
Forum Conduct
Keep messages on topic and edit for clarity, grammar and spelling. Inappropriate comments and plagiarism will be deleted by your professor. To learn about proper online behavior, read the Student Netiquette quick guide (accessible Google Doc version).
Earn a Better Grade
Post your original thoughts and observations on an approved topic, not a summary of the textbook or clone of classmate posts. Also, forums are not like texting—everybody sees your message—so edit for clarity, spelling, punctuation, etc. Consider composing your post in a word processor. Besides the benefit of better editing, you have a backup if you forget to click "post" or the power goes out.
No Forum Makeups
If you miss the forum, it's gone forever. The class will not reassemble to converse with you. You have seven days. Get it done on time.
Criteria for forum grading are found in the Forum Grading Rubric linked below. Your forum grade will be posted in the Lamakū Grades tool within 24 hours of the due date.
Download | Forum Grading Rubric