Weekly Lessons icon nov 11 | Week 12

Take Test 3 if you haven't done so yet.

alert icon Test 3 Closes 11/12 at 11:55 PM

Don't tempt fate and wait until the last day and hour to take a test. Chances of something bad happening—Laulima jammed, computer crash, etc.—increase at the eleventh hour. Get it done early!

train_icon3 19th Century

overview icon2 Overview

With the last echoes of Test 3 receding into the twilight, it's time to dream of the 19th century and musical romanticism.

Our objectives in this unit are to:

  • Explore the times and lives of Romantic musicians.
  • Understand characteristics of Romantic style.
  • Identify seminal works of the era.

click icon1. Romanticism and Beyond

click icon2. Romantic Style

music_icon Art Song

Vocal compositions for solo voice and piano written in the classical art music tradition are called art songs

click icon3. Art Song and Schubert

After studying these chapters, you'll be able to discuss and ID Romantic style, culture, and art song. Plus, you'll put your new knowledge and wit to use in Forum 2!

Erlkönig | Moritz von Schwind, 1804-1871 | Supernatural stories were popular in the Romantic era. | Alte Nationalgalerie

big forum icon

forum icon Forum 2

Forum 2 | 11/13 12:00 AM to 11/20 11:55 PM

This assignment is a student lead discussion of assigned music topics. Prepare by reading the Art Song and Piano Solo chapters and watching the videos. To widen the discussion, a World Beat number from the Wind Instruments chapter is also included.

Choose one of three topics:

  1. Der Erlkönig | Listen to Schubert's Der Erlkönig in the Art Song chapter and share your thoughts on this performance. What did you think of the overall performance and vocal quality? Be specific about the how and why of your observations and reasoning. For example, what was the song about? Did the piano accompaniment help or distract from the story and vocal lines? Did the singer portray the different characters of the poem effectively? How did this music make you feel? What did you think about the video animation? Did the animation help connect you to the song or was it distracting?
  2. Liszt and Chopin piano etudes | Listen to piano solos in the Piano Solo chapter—Transcendental Étude No. 10 in F Minor by Franz Liszt and Étude in C Minor, Op. 10 No.12 "Revolutionary" by Fréderic Chopin—and share your thoughts on these performances. Compare and contrast the styles of these two composers with music you're familiar with. For example, which composer's music is more technically and musically demanding? How do the backgrounds and careers of the composers differ? Do you think their careers had significant influence on the resulting musical styles? How did their music make you feel? And so on. Be specific about the how and why of observations and opinions.
  3. Wake Me Up | Listen to Wake Me Up by Avicii and the Inamauri Panpipers in the Wind Instruments chapter (scroll to the Panpipe section) and share your thoughts on this performance. What did you think of the mix of vocals, panpipes, guitar and bamboo percussion? Enlighten us with the how and why of your observations and reasoning. For example, what was the song about? Did the panpipe choir, percussion and dancing help or distract from the story and vocal lines? Did the singer portray the meaning of the lyrics effectively? How did this music make you feel? What did you think about the videography, audio quality and use of rural scenes from the Solomon Islands?

Post and Reply Required

Partial credit is not given for incomplete assignments. Credit is earned only if you participate in all aspects of the assignment. Thus, to receive credit for this forum (possible 50 points), you must:

  1. Write a topic post (possible 30 pts).
  2. Read posts of classmates (participation is tracked).
  3. Write at least one reply to a classmate's post (possible 20 pts).

forum conduct icon Forum Conduct

Keep messages on topic, and edit for clarity, grammar and spelling. Inappropriate comments and plagiarism will be deleted by the moderator (professor). To learn about online behavior, read the Student Netiquette quick guide (accessible Google Doc version).

alert icon No Forum Makeups alert icon

If you miss the forum, it's gone forever. The class will not reassemble to converse with you. You have seven days. Get it done on time.

 grade icon Grades

For forum grading criteria, read the Forum Grading Rubric posted below. Your forum grade will be posted in the Laulima GradeBook tool within 24 hours of the due date.

PDF icon

Download | Forum Grading Rubric

category_icon SLO Accomplishment

Congratulations, by participating in this forum, you are fulfilling a student learning outcome (SLO) of this course: analyze musical styles and their roles within the context of history and society.

practicing Learn to Play Guitar

This Spring 2025 learn to play guitar in MUS 121D, Guitar 1, live and hands-on in the classroom. No Zoom! We start with the basics of technique, notation and music playing. You'll be strumming, picking melodies, soloing and jamming with other musicians in no time!

Auf Wiedershen, Peter

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