Weekly Lessons icon apr 21 | Week 14

overview icon2 Overview

The music of Mendelssohn, Brahms and Debussy is on the menu! By Friday you'll be cognizant of technology's impact on music and able to identify pivotal works from the 19th and 20th centuries. Finally, crown your week with the extra credit quiz!

Johannes Brahms | Dover Electronic Clip Art

Johannes Brahms | Dover Electronic Clip Art

German flag icon End of an Era

The musical stylings of celebrated Idealist German composers, Mendelssohn and Brahms, conclude our Romantic studies.

click icon8. Idealists and Absolute Music

Among Romantic era composers, Mendelssohn and Brahms lean towards the conservative and classical end of the stylistic scale. No bizarre tales, recreational drugs, cannons or tuba choirs!

Kiss to the Earth (1912) | Nicholas Roerich, 1874–1947 | Set design for The Rite of Spring | Nicholas Roerich Museum

rapture rocket icon 20th Century

We bid farewell to the Romantic era and crossover into the early 20th century. Our main objectives in this unit are to:

  • Understand the influence of technology on music.
  • Explore the times and lives of 20th century musicians.
  • Understand characteristics of 20th century style.
  • Identify seminal works of the era.

We are in the last leg of our journey and the 20th century is in our sights. First, look at new technologies and how they irrevocably changed the music industry and lives of ordinary citizens.

click icon1. Music and Technology

French flag icon Impressionism

Impressionism was the first shot across the bow of the good ship Romanticism, and France’s answer to Germany’s musical dominance.

click icon2. French Impressionism

quiz icon

tests & quizzes icon Extra Credit Quiz

Your extra credit opportunity is here: Quiz, All Eras (50 points). This quiz is not required but, if short on points, Quiz, Extra Credit, is an opportunity to right what is wrong. Topics covered since the beginning of the course are fair game, including listening examples. Extra credit, by design, can't lower your course grade because the extra points are merely added to the semester point total.

tests & quizzes icon Quiz, Extra Credit: 4/25 to 4/27

alert icon No Quiz Makeups

Late or makeup quizzes are not accepted. Please don't ask for an exception: I won't respond since you already know the answer.



practicing Learn to Play Guitar

Next Semester, learn to play guitar in MUS 121D, Guitar 1, live and hands-on in the classroom. No Zoom! We start with the basics of technique, notation and music playing. You'll be strumming, picking melodies, soloing and jamming with other musicians in no time! 

Prefer 'ukulele instead of guitar? Enroll in MUS 121Z, 'Ukulele 1. Like guitar, it is a beginning course taught live and hands-on in the classroom.

Au revoir, Peter

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