mar 31 | Week 10
Shake the sand off your slippers and immerse yourself in music of the Classical Era.
First Viennese School
We continue with the First Viennese School. The goal is to become au courant with the lives, style, and works of these composers. Later this week, celebrate your knowledge with Quiz, Enlightenment!
Music Listening
Symphonies and operas were intended to fill an evening of entertainment, so even a single movement by Mozart or Beethoven can be 10 or 15 minutes, so budget listening time accordingly.
Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart began his career as a child prodigy, bedazzling wealthy aristocrats. His life was tragically cut short, but not before creating some of the world's greatest masterworks.
The Classical era concerto was a flashy work for virtuoso instrumental soloist and orchestra.
Joseph Haydn
Haydn is not kin of George Washington, albeit they had similar fashion tastes.
Quiz, Enlightenment
Lastly, take a quiz over the Music In The Age of Enlightenment unit up to and including Joseph Haydn:
Quiz, Enlightenment: 3/28 to 3/30
No Quiz Makeups
Late or makeup quizzes are not accepted.
Ciao, Peter