Peter Kun Frary | Photographer

Pantheon | Roma, Italia


A view of the Piazza della Rotonda from behnd the Pantheon pillars. The obelisk is part of the Pantheon Fountain. Here's a detail from the Pantheon Fountain:

The Pantheon Fountain lies in the Piazza della Rotonda, directly in front of the Pantheon. It was constructed during the late 16th century by the Renaissance sculptor Leonardo Sormani. I suspect a committee of clergy hovered over over the artist during the design phase, resulting in compromises. The four sea creatures abut a chunky and angular obelisk. The obelisk looks alarmingly out of place and just as well might be a spaceship or skyscraper.

I'm not sure what this sea creature is, perhaps a dolphin, catfish, eel or dragon. The fountain is made of several types of marble, all of which are slowing eroding away. Many clumsy repairs are evident. Notice the dark gray mortar used to reattach the white marble fin of the sea creature.

Leeward Community College students working out front of the Pantheon.

Canon EOS 40D and EF-s 17-55 2.8 IS USM

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Italian Gallery

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